Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Inria Project Lab

C2S@Exa - Computer and Computational Scienecs at Exascale

Participants : Olivier Aumage [RUNTIME project-team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest] , Jocelyne Erhel [SAGE project-team, Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique] , Philippe Helluy [TONUS project-team, Inria Nancy - Grand-Est] , Laura Grigori [ALPINE project-team, Inria Saclay - Île-de-France] , Jean-Yves L’excellent [ROMA project-team, Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes] , Thierry Gautier [MOAIS project-team, Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes] , Luc Giraud [HIEPACS project-team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest] , Michel Kern [POMDAPI project-team, Inria Paris - Rocquencourt] , Stéphane Lanteri [Coordinator of the project] , François Pellegrini [BACCHUS project-team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest] , Christian Perez [AVALON project-team, Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes] , Frédéric Vivien [ROMA project-team, Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes] .

Since January 2013, the team is participating to the C2S@Exa http://www-sop.inria.fr/c2s_at_exa Inria Project Lab (IPL). This national initiative aims at the development of numerical modeling methodologies that fully exploit the processing capabilities of modern massively parallel architectures in the context of a number of selected applications related to important scientific and technological challenges for the quality and the security of life in our society. At the current state of the art in technologies and methodologies, a multidisciplinary approach is required to overcome the challenges raised by the development of highly scalable numerical simulation software that can exploit computing platforms offering several hundreds of thousands of cores. Hence, the main objective of C2S@Exa is the establishment of a continuum of expertise in the computer science and numerical mathematics domains, by gathering researchers from Inria project-teams whose research and development activities are tightly linked to high performance computing issues in these domains. More precisely, this collaborative effort involves computer scientists that are experts of programming models, environments and tools for harnessing massively parallel systems, algorithmists that propose algorithms and contribute to generic libraries and core solvers in order to take benefit from all the parallelism levels with the main goal of optimal scaling on very large numbers of computing entities and, numerical mathematicians that are studying numerical schemes and scalable solvers for systems of partial differential equations in view of the simulation of very large-scale problems.

FUI Rodin
  • Title: Robust structural Optimization for Design in Industry (Rodin)

  • Type: FUI

  • Duration: July 2012 - July 2015

  • Coordinator: ALBERTELLI Marc (Renault)

  • Abstract: From the research point of view, the RODIN project will focus on: (1) extending level set methods to nonlinear mechanical or multiphysics models and to complex geometrical constraints, (2) developing algorithms for moving meshes with a possible change of topology, (3) adapting in a level-set framework second-order optimization algorithms having the ability of handling a large number of design variables and constraints.

    The project will last 3 years and will be supported by a consortium of 7 partners: (1) 2 significant end-users, Renault and EADS, who will provide use-cases reflecting industrial complexity; (2) 3 academics partners, CMAP, J.-L. Lions laboratory and Inria of Bordeaux, who will bring expertise in applied mathematics, structural optimization and mesh deformation; (3) A software editor, ESI Group, who will provide mechanical software package and will pave the way of an industrialization; (4) A SME, Eurodecision, specialized in large-scale optimization.

  • Title: Maillages adaptatifs pour les interfaces instationnaires avec deformations, etirements, courbures.

  • Type: ANR

  • Duration: 48 months

  • Starting date : 1st Oct 2013

  • Coordinator: Dervieux Alain (Inria Sophia)

  • Abstract: Mesh adaptive numerical methods allow computations which are otherwise impossible due to the computational resources required. We address in the proposed research several well identified main obstacles in order to maintain a high-order convergence for unsteady Computational Mechanics involving moving interfaces separating and coupling continuous media. A priori and a posteriori error analysis of Partial Differential Equations on static and moving meshes will be developed from interpolation error, goal-oriented error, and norm-oriented error. From the minimization of the chosen error, an optimal unsteady metric is defined. The optimal metric is then converted into a sequence of anisotropic unstructured adapted meshes by means of mesh regeneration, deformation, high stretching, and curvature. A particular effort will be devoted to build an accurate representation of physical phenomena involving curved boundaries and interfaces. In association with curved boundaries, a part of studies will address third-order accurate mesh adaption. Mesh optimality produces a nonlinear system coupling the physical fields (velocities, etc.) and the geometrical ones (unsteady metric, including mesh motion). Parallel solution algorithms for the implicit coupling of these different fields will be developed. Addressing efficiently these issues is a compulsory condition for the simulation of a number of challenging physical phenomena related to industrial unsolved or insufficiently solved problems. Non-trivial benchmark tests will be shared by consortium partners and by external attendees to workshops organized by the consortium. The various advances will be used by SME partners and proposed in software market.

  • Title: Uncertainty quantification For compressible fluid dynamics and Optimisation.

  • Type: ANR

  • Duration: 36 months

  • Starting date : 1st June 2011

  • Coordinator: Remi Abgrall (Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest)

  • Abstract: This project deals with the simulation and the optimization of stochastic flows where the uncertainties can be both in the data and in the models. The focus will be on handling the uncertainties coming from the turbulence models or thermodynamics models in dense-gas flows. Since the thermodynamic models for dense-gas flows are not well-known, it is mandatory to compute the probability density functions of some quantities of interest by starting from the experimental data. Several methods have been developed for both reducing the global computational cost and increasing the accuracy in the statistics computation.

  • Title: Tsunamis in the Atlantic and the English ChaNnel: Definition of the Effects through numerical Modeling (TANDEM)

  • Type: PIA - RSNR (Investissement d'Avenir, “Recherches en matière de Sûreté Nucléaire et Radioprotection”)

  • Duration: 48 months

  • Starting date : 1st Jan 2014

  • Coordinator: H. Hebert (CEA)

  • Abstract: TANDEM is a project dedicated to the appraisal of coastal effects due to tsunami waves on the French coastlines, with a special focus on the Atlantic and Channel coastlines, where French civil nuclear facilities have been operated since about 30 years. As identified in the call RSNR, this project aims at drawing conclusions from the 2011 catastrophic tsunami, in the sense that it will allow, together with a Japanese research partner, to design, adapt and check numerical methods of tsunami hazard assessment, against the outstanding observation database of the 2011 tsunami. Then these validated methods will be applied to define, as accurately as possible, the tsunami hazard for the French Atlantic and Channel coastlines, in order to provide guidance for risk assessment on the nuclear facilities.

  • Title On a new mathematical and numerical approach for simulations in coastal engineering


  • Duration : 12 months

  • Starting : Date May 2013

  • Coordinator : M. Colin

  • Abstract : The modeling of free surface flows is a major challenge in coastal engineering and its understanding is crucial if one wants to predict the impact of large-scale phenomena such as Tsunami propagations for example. The aim of this project is to provide pertinent and efficient numerical asymptotic models describing fluid flows in view of producing a computational plate-form. We will give a particular attention to scalar models in order to describe wave breaking in the near-shore region. Finally , we will introduce a new method to obtain numerical asymptotic models which consists in inverting the usual paradigm

    Full modelsAsymptotic modelsNumerical scheme.

APP Bordeaux 1
  • Title : Reactive fluid flows with interface : macroscopic models and application to self-healing materials

  • Type : Project Bordeaux 1

  • Duration : 36 months

  • Starting : September 2014

  • Coordinator : M. Colin

  • Abstract : Because of their high strength and low weight, ceramic-matrix composite materials (CMCs) are the focus of active research, for aerospace and energy applications involving high temperatures. Though based on brittle ceramic components, these composites are not brittle due to the use of a fiber/matrix interphase that manages to preserve the fibers from cracks appearing in the matrix. The lifetime-determining part of the material is the fibers, which are sensitive to oxidation; when the composite is in use, it contains cracks that provide a path for oxidization. The obtained lifetimes can be of the order of hundreds of thousands of hours. These time spans make most experimental investigations impractical. In this direction, the aim of this project is to furnish predictions based on computer models that have to take into account: 1) the multidimensional topology of the composite made up of a woven ceramic fabric; 2) the complex chemistry taking place in the material cracks; 3) the flow of the healing oxide in the material cracks.